Thank you for your interest in the authentic Mexican cuisine and RealMexican products. Mexico's Traditional Gastronomy was recognized as an Unmaterial Heritage by UNESCO in 2010. Every region of Mexico has its own "brand" of food. In northern Mexico there are Arrachera, Pozole or Chilorio. Central Oaxaca offers Oaxaca cheese, Chapulines and tlayudas. In Baja California, the country's northwestern coast, you can try the fish tacos. In Puebla, north of Oaxaca, you will eat barbacoa, mole poblano and Chalupas. Last but not least are the Yucatan Peninsula with its Concinita pibil. In this category andale.se we try to present different dishes in Mexico.
"Krossade chili" kit, Clemente Jacques
Goes good with hamburgers, sandwiches, hot-dogs. Must try:)
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.164 SEK / pc.172 SEK / pc.Save 5 %- Stock status
- In stock
Chicharrón taco kit
Enough for 17-20 chicharron tacos. Exclusively on andale.se. Take the Friday tacos to a new level with chicharrón tacos.
204 SEK / pc.226 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
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Revolution såser kit
Exklusivt på andale.se. Den stora fördelen är att du sparar 13 % jämfört med att köpa produkterna separat.
267 SEK / pc.332 SEK / pc.Save 20 %- Stock status
- In stock
Set av 5 Torkade Chilifrukter (500 g)
Chilli ger fantastiska smaker till maträtten.
358 SEK / pc.420 SEK / pc.Save 15 %- Stock status
- In stock
Set av alla 7 "El Yucateco" såser
Set of El Yucateco sauces (7 sauces)
85 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
The RealMexican TACO KIT
Enough for 17-20 tacos. Traditional mexican recepies. Exclusive with andale.se.
421 SEK / pc.466 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
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Viva México pozole kit
Pozole is a traditional Mexican soup, made with maíz pozolero (specialised corn for the soup), meat and spices.
245 SEK / pc.272 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
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"Sierra Nevada" sauces set
Only at andale.se! SAVE money - 562 kr if you buy separately or 515 kr if you buy this package. Watch out!
515 SEK / pc.562 SEK / pc.Save 8 %- Stock status
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Set av bönor från La Sierra 5st
En uppsättning bönor från La Sierra så att du kan prova allt.
185 SEK / pc.196 SEK / pc.Save 6 %- Stock status
- In stock
Tortilla Kit med Maseca, tillverkad i Europa
Everything you need (except water and time) to make your own corn tortillas.
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.773 SEK / pc.861 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
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Tortillas Kit 2 - NY!
All you need to make tortillas (except water and time) and keep them warm.
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.1 075 SEK / pc.1 197 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
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Set av alla 7 "El Yucateco" såser
Set of El Yucateco sauces (7 sauces)
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.334 SEK / pc.368 SEK / pc.Save 9 %- Stock status
- In stock
Set av alla 7 "El Yucateco" såser
Set of El Yucateco sauces (7 sauces)
368 SEK / pc.411 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
- In stock
Tortilla Kit - NY!
Everything you need (except water and time) to make your own corn tortillas.
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.773 SEK / pc.861 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
- In stock
Cinco de Mayo taco kit!
The best way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo is by making some truly Mexican tacos!
263 SEK / pc.293 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
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Homemade tacos al pastor kit
Almost everything you need to make delicious tacos al pastor at home!
263 SEK / pc.292 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
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Hot coca kit
With this kit you don't need anything else to make a delicious and frothy hot chocolate.
306 SEK / pc.339 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
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Mexican sweets set
Det här paketet är perfekt för att prova olika sötsaker och tillfredsställa ditt sug.
137 SEK / pc.148 SEK / pc.Save 7 %- Stock status
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Mexikanska efterrätter
Exklusivt på andale.se. Du sparar 20%, såväl som du har din fri frakt för denna sats.
269 SEK / pc.296 SEK / pc.Save 9 %- Stock status
- Sold out
Real Mexican Mole Kit
Exclusively on andale.se. The big advantage is that you save 15% compared to buying the products separately.
148 SEK / pc.165 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
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