Mole is a Mexican sauce. There are hundreds of different varieties of Mole, where each region has own style. The most popular is the Mole Poblano, a masterpiece created by nuns with over 20 different ingredients. Although this is considered one of Mexico's national dishes. Buy mole sauces (green mole, red mole, pipian, achiote, adobo) on!
Achiote, El Yucateco, 100 g låda med 12 st (1,2 kg)
Achiote eller annatto, är många gånger hemligheten bakom det mexikanska kökets djupröda färg och dess raffinerade, genuina smak.
403 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Achiote, El Yucateco, 1 kg
Achiote, English annatto (the same in Swedish), is often the secret of the deep red color of Mexican cuisine and its refined, genuine taste.
336 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Achiote, El Yucateco, 100 g
Achiote, English annatto (the same in Swedish), is often the secret of the deep red color of Mexican cuisine and its refined, genuine taste.
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.49 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Adobo, Rogelio Bueno, 245 g
In Mexico Adobo refers to a sauce of different chilis, especially chili ancho and chipotle chili. Is used as marinade, has spicy and smoky flavour.
98 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Aji amarillo paste, America, 212 g
Yellow Ají, as the name suggests, is pure yellow chilli with some lemon juice, and salt, perfect for preparing dressings or consuming it directly
84 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- Sold out
Ancho paste, Lol-tun, 250g
If you do not have time to cook with dry chili, you have the ready chilli paste instead
85 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Carolina reaper puré, Dr. Salsas, 250 ml
Tillverkad med Carolina Reaper-chili, en av de hetaste chilifrukterna i världen. Kryddighetsnivå på 1 700 000 - 2 200 000 SHU i Scoville-intervallet.
369 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Chamoy sauce, 265 gr. (Best before 21/09/2022)
Sauce made with a mixture of finely ground dehydrated whole chilies, apricot flavor and citrus ingredients.
179 SEK / pc.- Stock status
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Green mole, Rogelio Bueno, 235 g
Mole is a Mexican sauce, especially good with chicken dishes and enchiladas.
98 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- Sold out
Grön enchilada sås, La Costeña, 420g
A "ready to serve" sauce for your enchiladas or chilaquiles. No preservatives!
Rating: 5 of Based on 2 ratings.45 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Guajillo pasta, Lol-tun, 250g
A perfect substitute if you don't want to use the dry chili
85 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Guajillo pasta, Lol-tun, 250g
A perfect substitute if you don't want to use the dry chili
85 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Habaneropuré, Dr. Salsas, 250 ml
Gjord på Habanerochili, mediumstark med en unik citrustwist.
149 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Pasilla paste, Lol-tun, 250g
Pasilla paste, Lol-tun, 250g
85 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Pipian 234g "Rogelio Bueno"
Pipian is a Mexican sauce from pumpkin seeds and chili, mostly used for chicken.
105 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Real Mexican Mole Kit
Exclusively on The big advantage is that you save 15% compared to buying the products separately.
148 SEK / pc.165 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
- Sold out
Red Mole (paste) - La Costeña 235g
Paste to prepare red mole. Good with chicken, rice and sallad
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.85 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Red mole, best before 28/03/25
56 SEK / pc.179 SEK / pc.Save 69 %- Stock status
- In stock
Red Mole, Rogelio Bueno, 235g
Mole is a Mexican cocoa based sauce, for use in especially chicken dishes and enchiladas
Rating: 4 of Based on 1 ratings.98 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Röd Enchilada Sås, La Costeña, 420 g
A "ready to serve" sauce for your enchiladas or chilaquiles. No preservatives!
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.45 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock