Mexican gastronomy is amazing. It has some special and new flavours for every taste. If you arevegetarian, you can definetely find someting new and tasty for you here in our assortment. In general, a good corn tortilla is a must for a vegetarian. Our corn gluten free tortillas suit even for vegan people, (certified with V-label). You can cook with it different kinds of tacos and quesadillas, enfrijoladas, enchiladas, chilaquiles (dried and fried tortillas with green or red sauce, goes good witheggs), totopos (real mexican name for nachos). All the mexican sauces and dry chiles will help you to addamazing flavours to your favourite dishes. Fisrt of all, we recommend our mexican beans. They differ from the sweet beans that we are accostomed to here. You can buy ready refried beans (black or brown), they go perfectly well with corn tortillas and cheese in a tasty quesadilla, as a separate dish with creme fraiche and some salty cheese. It's very tasty with fried bananas and rice. Another dish that you will definetely enjoy, is molletes with beans and pico de gallo. Also you can buy dry beans and cook them how do you prefer. Also we have a very nice mexican vegetable – kaktus. It reminds a little bit cucumber, but still different. You can use it in your sallads (goes good in greek sallad instead of cucumber), make some tacos in corn tortilla with cheese and beans, with paprika and other vegetables. In case you are ready to try something even more exotic, you should order huitlacoche (corn hongos, a famous delicaсy of Mexico) and flowers of zuccini. Those are very good in corn tortillas with cheese (quesadillas), in enchiladas as a filling for pancakes or paprika. Zuccini flowers are good to fry in corn flower. Check our page of recipies to find some nice dish for you: