Dried Arbol Chili 100 g
Arbol chili is one of the most popular in Mexican cuisine and is the base for many sauces and dishes.
84 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Dried Cascabel 100 g
Cascabel chili is a dried chili pepper with a dark color and deep flavor, commonly used in Mexican cuisine.
84 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Dried Chipotle 100 g
Chipotle chili is one of the most popular chilis in Mexican cuisine, and it is the base for many sauces and dishes.
84 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Dried Guajillo 100 g
84 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Dried Habanero 100 g
Habanero dried chilies are dried fruits of the habanero pepper, known for their intense heat and used as a spice in cooking.
84 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Dried Morita 100 g
Morita chili is a dried chili pepper with a dark color and deep flavor, commonly used in Mexican cooking.
84 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Dried Mulato 100 g
Chile mulato is a dried chilli pepper with a dark colour and deep flavour, common in Mexican cooking.
84 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Dried Pasilla 100 g
Chile pasilla is a dried chilli pepper with a dark colour and deep flavour, common in Mexican cooking.
84 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Torkad Ancho Chili, 100 g
Ancho chili, även känd som torkade Poblanos. Den är en mild- till medelstark chilifrukt.
84 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Torkade Chili Arbol 1 kg
Arbol chil är grön, svarvning röd när den är mogen, men torkat blir ljust röd.
672 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- Sold out
Black Pasilla-chili 100g
The Pasilla Chile is very similar to Chile Ancho, elongated and with dark purple accented color.
63 SEK / pc.- Stock status
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Medelstor molcajete, vulkanisk sten
Molcajete (mortel) är ett av Mexikansk gastronomi äldsta köksverktyg och används än idag flitigt
600 SEK / pc. -
Molcajete (liten)
Molcajete (mortar) is one of the oldest Mexican gastronomy's kitchen tools which is widely used today as well, ideal for crushing and grinding dried chili, herbs and spices.
470 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- Sold out
Torkade Ancho chili, 100g
Ancho is a dried chilli, when it is fresh it's called Poblano, it's a medium hot chili.
63 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- Sold out