Search for La Costeña gave 32 hits.
Chipotles i adobo sauce, La Costena, 220 g
This chili is used in different gastronomic zones of Mexico, for dishes as chipotle chicken, meat balls, sauces for steak.
35 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Chipotles in adobo sauce, La Costena, 2,8 kg
This chili is used in different gastronomic zones of Mexico, for dishes as chipotle chicken, meat balls, sauces for steak.
235 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Cuitlacoche/Majstryffel, La Costeña, 380 g
We use it in omelettes, quesadillas, soups, pots and pies.
166 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- Sold out
Esquites, La Costeña, 400g
Cooked corn kernels with jalapeño pepper
37 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- Sold out
Hela bruna (bayo) bönor, La Costeña, 560 gr
The perfect side dish to almost any Mexican dish whatsoever!
47 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Whole Tomatillo 2,8kg La Costeña (6 st)
This chili is used in different gastronomic zones of Mexico, for dishes as chipotle chicken, meat balls, sauces for steak.
300 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Arriera Sås, La Costeña, 250 ml
Ideal choice to bring out the flavours in your dishes
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.39 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Classic Green souce (tomatillo), La Costeña, 250 ml
Sauce made of small green tomatoes, perfect as a condiment.
Rating: 5 of Based on 7 ratings.39 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Corn pozole, La Costeña, 820 g
Pozole corn is used to make a Mexican soup called pozole.
69 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Corn tamal, La Costeña, 110 g
Ready-to-eat corn tamale.
Rating: 5 of Based on 2 ratings.34 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- Sold out
Green Tomatillo Sauce, 2.8 kg, La Costeña
Sauce made of small green tomatoes, perfect as a condiment.
300 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Green tomatillo sauce, La Costeña, 450 ml
Green tomatillo sauce is a must in Mexican cuisine.
62 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Grön enchilada sås, La Costeña, 420g
A "ready to serve" sauce for your enchiladas or chilaquiles. No preservatives!
Rating: 5 of Based on 2 ratings.45 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Halfs of red jalapeños "rajas rojas", 220g
Used to make red salsa, like an aroma spice sauce for grilled meat or fish, or to give flavor and color to rice
22 SEK / pc.28 SEK / pc.Save 21 %- Stock status
- In stock
Hole tomatillos, 2.8 kg, La Costeña (6 cans)
Hole tomatillos to make green sauce!
1 624 SEK / pc.1 800 SEK / pc.Save 10 %- Stock status
- Sold out
Inlagd guava paste (ate de guayaba), La Costeña, 240 g
This delicious fruit paste is made from guava fruit. It is perfect with cheese, nuts, crackers and completes your cheese board.
50 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Ranchera Sås - La Costeña 250g
Good with eggs, feta cheese, meat, quesadillas
39 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Red Mole (paste) - La Costeña 235g
Paste to prepare red mole. Good with chicken, rice and sallad
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.85 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Röd Enchilada Sås, La Costeña, 420 g
A "ready to serve" sauce for your enchiladas or chilaquiles. No preservatives!
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.45 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Serranochili, La Costeña 220g
You can replace Jalapeño chilis with Serrano
29 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Sliced Jalapeno chili, La Costeña, 220g (24 St)
You can eat your jalapenos with sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs, for your own sauces, etc.
28 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Svart bönröra, La Costena, 580 g
Black refried beans are good with fetacheese and rice. Also with corn tortillas, tostadas and totopos (nacho chips) Try it!
47 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Svart bönröra, La Costena, 580 g
Black refried beans are good with fetacheese and rice. Also with corn tortillas, tostadas and totopos (nacho chips) Try it!
47 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Tamal dulce/söt tamale, La Coseña, 110g
Tamale klar att äta, söt smak.
34 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- Sold out
Taquera Sås, La Costeña 250g
The sauce can be used to make tacos or as accessories for grilled meat, fish and beans. Also fits perfectly as flavors in other dishes.
39 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Traditional mexican red sauce, La Costeña, 250 g
Good for red enchiladas, for your tacos, grilled meat, fish and beans.
36 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Traditionell Mexikansk Röd Sås - La Costeña 450g, bäst före datum 04/04/25
Good for red anchiladas, for your tacos, grilled meat, fish and beans
22 SEK / pc.65 SEK / pc.Save 66 %- Stock status
- In stock
Whole Tomatillos, La Costeña, 790 g
They are perfect for green sauce (salsa verde), sauce for enchiladas or chilaquiles.
95 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Whole black beans, La Costeña, 560 gr
The perfect side dish to almost any Mexican dish whatsoever!
47 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Whole jalapeño chili, La Costeña, 220g
You can eat your jalapenos with sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs, for your own sauces, etc.
Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings.24 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Whole jalapeño chili, La Costeña, 220g
You can eat your jalapenos with sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs, for your own sauces, etc.
26 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
¨Nopalitos¨, sliced cactus, La Costeña, 440g
Carefully peeled Nopal cactus (in thin slices) go good with eggs, meat or as a side salad. Also could be used as a filling in vegetarian tacos.
Rating: 5 of Based on 2 ratings.85 SEK / pc.- Stock status
- In stock